Available for iPhone
** Now supports iPad **
Air is like 'Music for Airports' made endless - which is how I always wanted it to be.

Air is a generative audio-visual work created by musician / software designer Peter Chilvers and Irish vocalist Sandra O’Neill. Based on concepts developed by Brian Eno, with whom Chilvers created Bloom, Air assembles vocal and piano samples into a beautiful, still and ever changing composition, which is always familiar, but never the same.
Air features four ‘Conduct’ modes, which let the user control the composition by tapping different areas on the display, and three ‘Listen’ modes, which provide a choice of arrangement. For those fortunate enough to have access to multiple iPhones and speakers, an option has been provided to spread the composition over several players.
Recommended for headphones and external speakers.
To coincide with the update to Air, Letka's debut album Far Off Country has been discounted to £7.99 at Burning Shed. Also available from iTunes.
Released in 2011, the album is a collaboration between Irish vocalist Sandra O'Neill and English multi-instrumentalist Peter Chilvers.
From the opening Beyond the Fold, featuring backing vocals and production from Brian Eno, to its epic closing track I Dream a Highway, Far Off Country seamlessly combines Country and Ambient influences in a uniquely ethereal way.
Featuring layered vocals, treated guitars, pedal steel and electronic textures, the six track collection of traditional songs, covers and new compositions represents a warm reflection of the desolate landscapes of the Mid West.
The evocative digipack, designed by Carl Glover, features images from his archive of photographs of American ghost towns.