Brian Eno : Reflection
Available for iPhone, iPad and Apple TV.
REFLECTION is subtly changing with the seasons.
Experience the newest iteration of the landmark generative work now (free update for existing owners).
REFLECTION is the most recent of my Ambient experiments and represents the most sophisticated of them so far. My original intention with Ambient music was to make endless music, music that would be there as long as you wanted it to be. I wanted also that this music would unfold differently all the time - ‘like sitting by a river’: it’s always the same river, but it’s always changing. But recordings - whether vinyl, cassette or CD - are limited in length, and replay identically each time you listen to them. So in the past I was limited to making the systems which make the music, but then recording 30 minutes or an hour and releasing that. REFLECTION in its album form - on vinyl or CD - is like this. But the app by which REFLECTION is produced is not restricted: it creates an endless and endlessly changing version of the piece of music.

Reflection is like having a tiny Brian Eno inside your iPhone, iPad or Apple TV, endlessly remixing his latest creation, while your eyes are entertained by slowly shifting hypnotic digital paintings. Even after playing it for days, it doesn’t get old.
Never before have you been able to truly experience this type of music as the composer intended it... endlessly variable and endlessly interesting.
2017… I’m going need this.